
News Archives

22 Aug

University of Florida 건강 보험료에서 $1,353를 절약하는 방법

August 22, 2019 /  by Student-Medicover

University of Florida 건강 보험료에서 $1,353를 절약하는 방법

By Kevin L. Licensed Insurance Producer




미국 대학교를 다니는 건 꽤나 큰 재정적인 스트레스를 안겨줍니다. 보통 사립 4년제 대학교를 다니기 위해 일 년에 $48,510을 내야합니다. 특히나, 국제학생들은 훨씬 더 큰 부담을 안고 가고 있습니다.


하지만, 보험 면제 (insurance waiver)를 통해 일 년에 $1,353을 절약하는 방법이 있다는 걸 아시나요?


보험 면제(insurance waiver)가 무엇인가요?

등록금/수업료 고지서에 University of Florida교내 의료보험 상품이 자동적으로 포함되어있는 것을 확인 하실 수 있습니다.


하지만 국제 학생들은 그들의 편의에 맞춰져 설계된 보험을 훨씬 더 저렴한 가격으로 이용하 실 수 있습니다. University of Florida교내 보험은 일 년에 $2,500 정도 합니다. 대신에 국제 학생들을 위한Student Medicover건강 보험은 일 년에 $1,147 정도 합니다.

보험 면제 (insurance waiver)는 여러분들의 니즈에 가장 적합한 보험 플랜으로 변환 시킬 수 있는 방법입니다. 본인의 학교 보험 면제 기준에 충족되는 타 보험 상품을 가입한 후, 보험 면제 신청서를 학교 웹사이트에 제출 하면 됩니다.


왜 교외 건강보험 플랜이 더 저렴한가요?

보통 건강보험 플랜 가격은 인구 통계학에 따른 건강 위험 정도로 책정됩니다. 대학교 건강 보험 플랜은 국내외 학생을 포함하여 보다 많은 인구수를 고려해 만들었기 때문에 주로 훨씬 비쌉니다.


어떻게 좋은 건강 보험 플랜을 고를까요?

좋은 보험 플랜은 작은 질환부터 큰 부상과 병까지 여러분들을 지켜줍니다. 보험 플랜을 고를 때, 이러한 요소들을 고려해주시길 바랍니다.

  1. 가격
    비교적 아주 저렴한 보험 플랜들이 있기 마련입니다. 하지만 가격만 따져서는 안됩니다. 제한된 보장 범위를 가진 건강보험 플랜은 오히려 더 큰 금액 손실을 가져다 줄 수 있기 때문입니다. Some plans are much more cost-effective than others. But the cost is the only factor you need to take into consideration. A plan with limited coverage can lead to catastrophic financial loss.
  2. 보험 혜택
    보험 증권 책자에 적힌 조건들을 신중히 읽어보시길 바랍니다. 좋은 보험 플랜은 낮은 deductible과 높은 coinsurance, 낮은 copay, 낮은 out of pocket maximum을 갖추고 있습니다.
  3. 의료지원 네트워크 (Provider network)
    의료지원 네트워크는 보험회사와 파트너십을 맺어 사전에 협의된 가격을 제공하는 의료 서비스 제공업체 네트워크를 의미합니다. 효과적인 네트워크는 여러분들이 필요 할 때 언제든지 믿음직스러운 의사와 병원을 찾을 수 있도록 도와줍니다.


추천할만한 좋은 건강보험 플랜이 있다면?

UnitedHealthcare의 파트너인Student Medicover 는 국제학생들에게 신뢰 가능하며 합리적인 가격을 지닌 건강보험 플랜을 제공하고 있습니다.

  • 신뢰할 수 있는 보험보장범위 (coverage):
    Student Medicover의 보험 플랜은 낮은deductible, 높은 coinsurance, 낮은 Copay, 낮은 out-of-pocket maximum을 갖추고 있습니다. 보험 책자를 살펴보면, 위 보험 플랜은 의사 방문, 입원, 응급진료, 약 처방, 다양한 치료와 같이 상당한 보험 보장 범위를 지니고 있다고 설명되어있습니다.
  • 믿음직한 의사를 미국 내 어디에서나 찾기
    Student Medicover과 함께라면 여러분은 미국에서 선두적인 건강보험 네트워크인UnitedHealthcare Options PPO에서 승인받은 의료 서비스 제공업체를 이용할 수 있습니다. 여러분은 사전에 협의된 가격으로 in-network 의료 서비스를 보다 낮은 가격으로 이용하실 수 있습니다.
  • 학생 건강 센터 방문하기
    Student Medicover는 미국 내UF’s Student Health Care Center를 포함한 모든 학생 건강 센터에서 받을 수 있는 치료를 in-network혜택를 통해 제공합니다.
  • 24/7 고객 센터 서비스
    질문이 있을시에는 이메일, 핸드폰, 고객 센터, WhatsApp, 페이스북과 온라인 지원센터를 통해 언제든지 연락해주시길 바랍니다.


아래는 플로리다 대학교와Student Medicover의 보험 플랜을 간략히 비교한 차트입니다.






위 차트는 간단하게 비교 분석된 자료입니다. 보험 플랜에 대해서 보다 더 많은 정보를 알고 싶으시다면, 보험 증권 책자를 참고해주십시오.


어떻게 학교 건강보험을 면제 받을 수 있나요?

건강 보험 면제를 받는 방법은 단 15분이 걸릴 정도로 매우 간단합니다.


  1. 새로운 보험 플랜에 가입하십시오.
    Student Medicover 의 웹사이트인smcovered.com 을 방문해서 “Enrollment” 를 찾으신 후, 보험 플랜 중, Prime 이나 Elite을 선택하여 가입하세요.
  2. 면제 요청 양식을 채우십시오.
    학교 공식 웹사이트인https://my.shcc.ufl.edu/waiver/ 들어간 후, “Add New Waiver” 를 클릭하세요. 여러분의 개인정보와 보험 정보를 기입한 후, “Submit” 하세요.


지원서가 승인되면 학교에서 보험금을 환불해주거나, 등록금/학비 고지서에 학교 건강보험 비용이 포함되지 않을 것입니다.


도움이 필요할 시, Student Medicover의 고객센터로 연락하십시오:

Facebook: @smcovered https://www.facebook.com/smcovered

Email: sm@smcovered.com

24/7 Tel: 812-360-2313

WhatAspp: 1-812-360-2313

Student Medicover 대해서

Student Medicover 는UnitedHealthcare와 파트너를 맺음으로써 가격 부담이 보다 적고 경쟁력있는 보험 플랜을 가지고 있습니다. 저희는 학생들의 건강에 열렬한 관심을 가진 건강 애호가이자, 전념과 전문의식으로 뭉친 학생 건강 보험 전문가입니다.


2013년도에 설립된Student Medicover는 연간 200% 이상의 가입률을 보이며 현재 43개의 국가와 662개의 대학교에 속해있는 20,000명의 국제 학생들이 사용하고 있는 보험을 제공하고 있습니다. 저희는 국경을 넘나들며 120개의 다양한 국가 학생 단체들과 파트너를 맺었습니다. 이와 같이, Student Medicover는 활기와 믿음이 가득한 건강한 커뮤니티를 학생 여러분들과 함께 만들어나가고 있습니다.


 “미국에서 공부하고 있는 국제 학생들은 주로 건강 관리에 소홀합니다. 이 문제점은 학생들의 건강을 더 악화시킵니다. 게다가 오랜 기다림과 높은 비용에 대한 걱정 때문에 필요한 처방을 찾는 것을 주저하기도 합니다.


Student Medicover는 국제학생들이 쉽게 이용 할 수 있도록 저렴하지만 높은 퀄리티의 건강보험을 제공합니다.”                                      


 ——Jerry Hu, CEO of Student Medicover






9 Aug

How to save $2700+ on UCSD Health Insurance

August 9, 2019 /  by Student-Medicover

By Kevin L. Licensed Insurance Producer




Attending a US college can be financially stressful. The average fee to attend a private non-profit four-year university is $48,510 per year. For international students, the costs are even higher.


But do you know that you can save up to $2753 a year with insurance waiver?


What is an insurance waiver?

On your tuition bill, you will see that UCSD has automatically enrolled you in the university’s insurance plan.


However, international students can enroll in a surprisingly more affordable plan designed specifically for them. UCSD SHIP Plan costs undergraduate students $2, 040 a year and graduate students $3900 a year. Alternatively, health coverage for international students can be as low as $1147 a year.


An insurance waiver is an application to switch your plan that better fits your needs. Simply enroll in an insurance plan that meets the school’s waiver requirements and submit an insurance waiver on the school’s website.


Why are university health insurances plans more expensive?

The insurance costs are calculated based on the risks of the demographics. University health plans are usually more expensive because the plans serve a broader range of the population, including international and domestic students.


How to choose a health insurance plan?

A good insurance plan protects you from minor illnesses to serious injuries and diseases. When you’re looking for a plan, consider these factors:

  1. The Costs
    Some plans are much more cost-effective than others. But the cost is the only factor you need to take into consideration. A plan with limited coverage can lead to catastrophic financial loss.
  2. Insurance benefits
    Read the insurance policies carefully. A good insurance plan should have a low deductible, a high coinsurance, low copays, and a low out-of-pocket maximum.
  3. Provider network
    Provider network is a group of care providers partnering with the insurance company to provide you with pre-negotiated rates. A powerful network allows you to find trustworthy doctors and hospitals wherever you need.


Can you recommend a good health insurance plan?

Student Medicover, a partner of UnitedHealthcare, offers the most cost-effective and reliable health insurance plans for international students in the market.

  • Reliable Coverage:
    Their coverage features low deductibles, high coinsurances, low copays, and low out-of-pocket maximums. Their plans offer substantial coverage for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care, and many other treatments found in the policy brochures.
  • Find a trusted doctor anywhere in the country
    With Student Medicover, you can access accredited care providers in the nation’s leading network – UnitedHealthcare Options PPO. You will enjoy lower costs for in-network medical services with pre-negotiated prices.
  • Visit Student Health Center:
    Student Medicover offers in-network benefits for treatments received in any student health centers in the country, including UCSD’s Student Health Center.
  • 24/7 Customer Service
    If you have any questions, you can always ask a customer service representative through email, phone, WhatsApp, Facebook, and online support center.


Here is a brief comparison between UCSD SHIP Plan and Student Medicover’s plans:

UCSD英文 copy



The chart is only a brief overview. Please refer to the policy brochures to learn more about the plans.


How to waive health insurance?

Completing an insurance waiver is very simple. It takes you only 15 minutes.


  1. Enroll in an insurance plan
    Visit Student Medicover’s website smcovered.com, scroll down to “Enrollment”, and enroll in either plan.
  2. Fill in the waiver form
    Visit UCSD’s official website: https://students.ucsd.edu/index.html and click “Financial Tools“-“Health Fee Waiver” Fill in the form with your personal information, insurance information and click “Submit”.


After your application is approved, the school will either refund you or remove the health insurance fee on your tuition bill.


If you need any help, you can always reach out to Student Medicover’s customer service team:

Facebook: @smcovered https://www.facebook.com/smcovered

Email: sm@smcovered.com

24/7 Tel: 1-812-360-2313

WhatAspp: 1-812-360-2313

About Student Medicover
By partnering with UnitedHealthcare, Student Medicover provides cost-effective, comprehensive insurance plans. We’re a team of experienced health enthusiasts who serve students with compassion, professionalism, and dedication.

Founded in 2013, Student Medicover maintained an annual sales growth of more than 200% and now serves more than 20,000 international students from 43 countries and 662 universities. We partnered with more than 120 student organizations across the country in order to build a supportive, vibrant, and healthy community.


“International students in the U.S usually lack minimum education in healthcare. The problem threatens to undermine students’ health. Besides, international students are reluctant to seek necessary treatment, for fear of long wait times and steep bills.


Student Medicover strives to make high-quality, affordable healthcare accessible to every international student. ”                                        

 ——Jerry Hu, CEO of Student Medicover







Link: https://smcovered.com/enrollment/review-certificates-flyers/

25 Jul

How to save $2000+ on UNCC Health Insurance

July 25, 2019 /  by Student-Medicover

By Kevin L. Licensed Insurance Producer




Attending a US college can be financially stressful. The average fee to attend a private non-profit four-year university is $48,510 per year. For international students, the costs are even higher.


But do you know that you can save up to $2098 a year with insurance waiver?


What is an insurance waiver?

On your tuition bill, you will see that UNCC has automatically enrolled you in the university’s insurance plan.


However, international students can enroll in a surprisingly more affordable plan designed specifically for them. UNCC Student Blue Plan costs $2,627 a year. Alternatively, health coverage for international students can be as low as $529 a year.


An insurance waiver is an application to switch your plan that better fits your needs. Simply enroll in an insurance plan that meets the school’s waiver requirements and submit an insurance waiver on the school’s website.


Why are health insurances plans more affordable?

The insurance costs are calculated based on the risks of the demographics. University health plans are usually more expensive because the plans serve a broader range of the population, including international and domestic students.


How to pick a health insurance plan?

A good insurance plan protects you from minor illnesses to serious injuries and diseases. When you’re looking for a plan, consider these factors:

  1. The Costs
    Some plans are much more cost-effective than others. But the cost is the only factor you need to take into consideration. A plan with limited coverage can lead to catastrophic financial loss.
  2. Insurance benefits
    Read the insurance policies carefully. A good insurance plan should have a low deductible, a high coinsurance, low copays, and a low out-of-pocket maximum.
  3. Provider network
    Provider network is a group of care providers partnering with the insurance company to provide you with pre-negotiated rates. A powerful network allows you to find trustworthy doctors and hospitals wherever you need.


Can you recommend a good health insurance plan?

Student Medicover, a partner of UnitedHealthcare, offers the most cost-effective and reliable health insurance plans for international students in the market.

  • Reliable Coverage:
    Their coverage features low deductibles, high coinsurances, low copays, and low out-of-pocket maximums. Their plans offer substantial coverage for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care, and many other treatments found in the policy brochures.
  • Find a trusted doctor anywhere in the country
    With Student Medicover, you can access accredited care providers in the nation’s leading network – UnitedHealthcare Options PPO. You will enjoy lower costs for in-network medical services with pre-negotiated prices.
  • Visit Student Health Center:
    Student Medicover offers in-network benefits for treatments received in any student health centers in the country, including UNCC’s Student Health Center.
  • 24/7 Customer Service
    If you have any questions, you can always ask a customer service representative through email, phone, WhatsApp, Facebook, and online support center.


Here is a brief comparison between UNCC Student Blue Plan and Student Medicover’s plans:






The chart is only a brief overview. Please refer to the policy brochures to learn more about the plans.


How to waive health insurance?

Completing an insurance waiver is very simple. It takes you only 15 minutes.


  1. Enroll in an insurance plan
    Visit Student Medicover’s website smcovered.com, scroll down to “Enrollment”, and enroll in either plan.
  2. Fill in the waiver form
    Visit UNCC’s official website: https://studentbluenc.com/#/uncc/waive and click “Request a Waiver”. Fill in the form with your personal information, insurance information and click “Submit”.


After your application is approved, the school will either refund you or remove the health insurance fee on your tuition bill.


If you need any help, you can always reach out to Student Medicover’s customer service team:

Facebook: @smcovered https://www.facebook.com/smcovered

Email: sm@smcovered.com

24/7 Tel: 812-360-2313

WhatAspp: 1-812-360-2313

About Student Medicover
By partnering with UnitedHealthcare, Student Medicover provides cost-effective, comprehensive insurance plans. We’re a team of experienced health enthusiasts who serve students with compassion, professionalism, and dedication.

Founded in 2013, Student Medicover maintained an annual sales growth of more than 200% and now serves more than 20,000 international students from 43 countries and 662 universities. We partnered with more than 120 student organizations across the country in order to build a supportive, vibrant, and healthy community.


“International students in the U.S usually lack minimum education in healthcare. The problem threatens to undermine students’ health. Besides, international students are reluctant to seek necessary treatment, for fear of long wait times and steep bills.


Student Medicover strives to make high-quality, affordable healthcare accessible to every international student. ”                                        

 ——Jerry Hu, CEO of Student Medicover







Link: https://smcovered.com/enrollment/review-certificates-flyers/

25 Jul

How to save $2266 on UConn Health Insurance

July 25, 2019 /  by Student-Medicover

By Kevin L. Licensed Insurance Producer




Attending a US college can be financially stressful. The average fee to attend a private non-profit four-year university is $48,510 per year. For international students, the costs are even higher.


But do you know that you can save up to $2,266 a year with insurance waiver?


What is an insurance waiver?

On your tuition bill, you will see that UConn has automatically enrolled you in the university’s Student Health Insurance.


However, international students can enroll in a surprisingly more affordable plan designed specifically for them. The School Health Insurance Plan of UConn costs $2,795 a year. Alternatively, health coverage for international students can be as low as $529 a year.


An insurance waiver is an application to switch your plan that better fits your needs. Simply enroll in an insurance plan that meets the school’s waiver requirements and submit an insurance waiver on the school’s website.


Why are health insurances plans more affordable?

The insurance costs are calculated based on the risks of the demographics. University health plans are usually more expensive because the plans serve a broader range of the population, including international and domestic students.


How to pick a health insurance plan?

A good insurance plan protects you from minor illnesses to serious injuries and diseases. When you’re looking for a plan, consider these factors:

  1. The Costs
    Some plans are much more cost-effective than others. But the cost is the only factor you need to take into consideration. A plan with limited coverage can lead to catastrophic financial loss.
  2. Insurance benefits
    Read the insurance policies carefully. A good insurance plan should have a low deductible, a high coinsurance, low copays, and a low out-of-pocket maximum.
  3. Provider network
    Provider network is a group of care providers partnering with the insurance company to provide you with pre-negotiated rates. A powerful network allows you to find trustworthy doctors and hospitals wherever you need.


Can you recommend a good health insurance plan?

Student Medicover, a partner of UnitedHealthcare, offers the most cost-effective and reliable health insurance plans for international students in the market.

  • Reliable Coverage:
    Their coverage features low deductibles, high coinsurances, low copays, and low out-of-pocket maximums. Their plans offer substantial coverage for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care, and many other treatments found in the policy brochures.
  • Find a trusted doctor anywhere in the country
    With Student Medicover, you can access accredited care providers in the nation’s leading network – UnitedHealthcare Options PPO. You will enjoy lower costs for in-network medical services with pre-negotiated prices.
  • Visit Student Health Center:
    Student Medicover offers in-network benefits for treatments received in any student health centers in the country, including UConn Student Health Center.
  • 24/7 Customer Service
    If you have any questions, you can always ask a customer service representative through email, phone, WhatsApp, Facebook, and online support center.


Here is a brief comparison between UConn SHIP and Student Medicover’s plans:





The chart is only a brief overview. Please refer to the policy brochures to learn more about the plans.


How to waive health insurance?

Completing an insurance waiver is very simple. It takes you only 15 minutes.


  1. Enroll in an insurance plan
    Visit Student Medicover’s website smcovered.com, scroll down to “Enrollment”, and enroll in either Basic, Preferred, Prime or Elite plan.
  2. Fill in the waiver form
    Visit UConn’s official website: https://login.uconn.edu/cas/login?service=https%3A%2F%2Fstudent.studentadmin.uconn.edu%2Fpsp%2FCSPR%2F%3Fcmd%3Dstart&renew=true and log in.


Click: Main Menu–> Self Service –>Student Center –>Permissions & Requests–>Health Insurance Waiver;


Fill in the form with your personal information, insurance information and click “Submit”.


After your application is approved, the school will either refund you or remove the health insurance fee on your tuition bill.


After your application is approved, the school will either refund you or remove the health insurance fee on your tuition bill.


If you need any help, you can always reach out to Student Medicover’s customer service team:

Facebook: @smcovered https://www.facebook.com/smcovered

Email: sm@smcovered.com

24/7 Tel: 812-360-2313

WhatAspp: 1-812-360-2313

About Student Medicover
By partnering with UnitedHealthcare, Student Medicover provides cost-effective, comprehensive insurance plans. We’re a team of experienced health enthusiasts who serve students with compassion, professionalism, and dedication.

Founded in 2013, Student Medicover maintained an annual sales growth of more than 200% and now serves more than 20,000 international students from 43 countries and 662 universities. We partnered with more than 120 student organizations across the country in order to build a supportive, vibrant, and healthy community.


“International students in the U.S usually lack minimum education in healthcare. The problem threatens to undermine students’ health. Besides, international students are reluctant to seek necessary treatment, for fear of long wait times and steep bills.


Student Medicover strives to make high-quality, affordable healthcare accessible to every international student. ”                                        

 ——Jerry Hu, CEO of Student Medicover







Link: https://smcovered.com/enrollment/review-certificates-flyers/

25 Jul

How to save $4000 on Stanford Health Insurance

July 25, 2019 /  by Student-Medicover

By Kevin L. Licensed Insurance Producer




Attending a US college can be financially stressful. The average fee to attend a private non-profit four-year university is $48,510 per year. For international students, the costs are even higher.


But do you know that you can save up to $4,061 a year with insurance waiver?


What is an insurance waiver?

On your tuition bill, you will see that Stanford has automatically enrolled you in the university’s Student Health Insurance.


However, international students can enroll in a surprisingly more affordable plan designed specifically for them. The Cardinal Care of Stanford University costs $5,208 a year. Alternatively, health coverage for international students can be as low as $1,147 a year.


An insurance waiver is an application to switch your plan that better fits your needs. Simply enroll in an insurance plan that meets the school’s waiver requirements and submit an insurance waiver on the school’s website.


Why are health insurances plans more affordable?

The insurance costs are calculated based on the risks of the demographics. University health plans are usually more expensive because the plans serve a broader range of the population, including international and domestic students.


How to pick a health insurance plan?

A good insurance plan protects you from minor illnesses to serious injuries and diseases. When you’re looking for a plan, consider these factors:

  1. The Costs
    Some plans are much more cost-effective than others. But the cost is the only factor you need to take into consideration. A plan with limited coverage can lead to catastrophic financial loss.
  2. Insurance benefits
    Read the insurance policies carefully. A good insurance plan should have a low deductible, a high coinsurance, low copays, and a low out-of-pocket maximum.
  3. Provider network
    Provider network is a group of care providers partnering with the insurance company to provide you with pre-negotiated rates. A powerful network allows you to find trustworthy doctors and hospitals wherever you need.


Can you recommend a good health insurance plan?

Student Medicover, a partner of UnitedHealthcare, offers the most cost-effective and reliable health insurance plans for international students in the market.

  • Reliable Coverage:
    Their coverage features low deductibles, high coinsurances, low copays, and low out-of-pocket maximums. Their plans offer substantial coverage for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care, prescription drugs, and many other treatments found in the policy brochures.
  • Find a trusted doctor anywhere in the country
    With Student Medicover, you can access accredited care providers in the nation’s leading network – UnitedHealthcare Options PPO. You will enjoy lower costs for in-network medical services with pre-negotiated prices.
  • Visit Student Health Center:
    Student Medicover offers in-network benefits for treatments received in any student health centers in the country, including Vaden Health Center.
  • 24/7 Customer Service
    If you have any questions, you can always ask a customer service representative through email, phone, WhatsApp, Facebook, and online support center.


Here is a brief comparison between Cardinal Care and Student Medicover’s plans:






The chart is only a brief overview. Please refer to the policy brochures to learn more about the plans.


How to waive health insurance?

Completing an insurance waiver is very simple. It takes you only 15 minutes.


  1. Enroll in an insurance plan
    Visit Student Medicover’s website smcovered.com, scroll down to “Enrollment”, and enroll in either Prime or Elite plan.
  2. Download the waiver form
    Download the International Student Insurance Coverage Certification Form on the school’s website. Fill in the form with your personal information and send it to Student Medicover via sm@smcovered.com. The customer care team will complete the rest of the form and send it to you in one business day.


  1. Submit the completed waiver form
    Log in to SUNet, choose “Other Service & Support”, and select “Student Services” as Request Category and “Health Insurance” as Request Type. Finally, upload the waiver form as an attachment and submit,


After your application is approved, the school will either refund you or remove the health insurance fee on your tuition bill.


If you need any help, you can always reach out to Student Medicover’s customer service team:

Facebook: @smcovered https://www.facebook.com/smcovered

Email: sm@smcovered.com

24/7 Tel: 812-360-2313

WhatAspp: 1-812-360-2313

About Student Medicover
By partnering with UnitedHealthcare, Student Medicover provides cost-effective, comprehensive insurance plans. We’re a team of experienced health enthusiasts who serve students with compassion, professionalism, and dedication.

Founded in 2013, Student Medicover maintained an annual sales growth of more than 200% and now serves more than 20,000 international students from 43 countries and 662 universities. We partnered with more than 120 student organizations across the country in order to build a supportive, vibrant, and healthy community.


“International students in the U.S usually lack minimum education in healthcare. The problem threatens to undermine students’ health. Besides, international students are reluctant to seek necessary treatment, for fear of long wait times and steep bills.


Student Medicover strives to make high-quality, affordable healthcare accessible to every international student. ”                                        

 ——Jerry Hu, CEO of Student Medicover







Link: https://smcovered.com/enrollment/review-certificates-flyers/


25 Jul

How to save $2000 on NYU Health Insurance

July 25, 2019 /  by Student-Medicover

By Kevin L. Licensed Insurance Producer




Attending a US college can be financially stressful. The average fee to attend a private non-profit four-year university is $48,510 per year. For international students, the costs are even higher.


But do you know that you can save up to $2,371 a year with insurance waiver?


What is an insurance waiver?

On your tuition bill, you will see that NYU has automatically enrolled you in the university’s Student Health Insurance.


However, international students can enroll in a surprisingly more affordable plan designed specifically for them. The Basic Plan of New York University costs $3,518 a year. Alternatively, health coverage for international students can be as low as $1,147 a year.


An insurance waiver is an application to switch your plan that better fits your needs. Simply enroll in an insurance plan that meets the school’s waiver requirements and submit an insurance waiver on the school’s website.


Why are health insurances plans more affordable?

The insurance costs are calculated based on the risks of the demographics. University health plans are usually more expensive because the plans serve a broader range of the population, including international and domestic students.


How to pick a health insurance plan?

A good insurance plan protects you from minor illnesses to serious injuries and diseases. When you’re looking for a plan, consider these factors:

  1. The Costs
    Some plans are much more cost-effective than others. But the cost is the only factor you need to take into consideration. A plan with limited coverage can lead to catastrophic financial loss.
  2. Insurance benefits
    Read the insurance policies carefully. A good insurance plan should have a low deductible, a high coinsurance, low copays, and a low out-of-pocket maximum.
  3. Provider network
    Provider network is a group of care providers partnering with the insurance company to provide you with pre-negotiated rates. A powerful network allows you to find trustworthy doctors and hospitals wherever you need.


Can you recommend a good health insurance plan?

Student Medicover, a partner of UnitedHealthcare, offers the most cost-effective and reliable health insurance plans for international students in the market.

  • Reliable Coverage:
    Their coverage features low deductibles, high coinsurances, low copays, and low out-of-pocket maximums. Their plans offer substantial coverage for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care, prescription drugs, and many other treatments found in the policy brochures.
  • Find a trusted doctor anywhere in the country
    With Student Medicover, you can access accredited care providers in the nation’s leading network – UnitedHealthcare Options PPO. You will enjoy lower costs for in-network medical services with pre-negotiated prices.
  • Visit Student Health Center:
    Student Medicover offers in-network benefits for treatments received in any student health centers in the country, including NYU Student Health Center.
  • 24/7 Customer Service
    If you have any questions, you can always ask a customer service representative through email, phone, WhatsApp, Facebook, and online support center.


Here is a brief comparison between NYU Basic and Student Medicover’s plans:




The chart is only a brief overview. Please refer to the policy brochures to learn more about the plans.

How to waive health insurance?

Completing an insurance waiver is very simple. It takes you only 15 minutes.


  1. Enroll in an insurance plan
    Visit Student Medicover’s website smcovered.com, scroll down to “Enrollment”, and enroll in either Prime or Elite plan.
  2. Download the waiver form
    You will automatically receive a completed waiver form in your registered email in one business day. Make sure the personal information is all correct and sign.


  1.    Download insurance ID card

To download the card, simply register a UHCSR account by visiting uhcsr.com and clicking Create My Account at the bottom.


  1.   Send the waiver form to school office and submit request online

Email or mail the waiver form to school insurance office and submit waive request on school insurance website: https://nyu.consolidatedhealthplan.com/student_health/new_york_university/initial_login.html


After your application is approved, the school will either refund you or remove the health insurance fee on your tuition bill.


If you need any help, you can always reach out to Student Medicover’s customer service team:

Facebook: @smcovered https://www.facebook.com/smcovered

Email: sm@smcovered.com

24/7 Tel: 812-360-2313

WhatAspp: 1-812-360-2313

About Student Medicover
By partnering with UnitedHealthcare, Student Medicover provides cost-effective, comprehensive insurance plans. We’re a team of experienced health enthusiasts who serve students with compassion, professionalism, and dedication.

Founded in 2013, Student Medicover maintained an annual sales growth of more than 200% and now serves more than 20,000 international students from 43 countries and 662 universities. We partnered with more than 120 student organizations across the country in order to build a supportive, vibrant, and healthy community.


“International students in the U.S usually lack minimum education in healthcare. The problem threatens to undermine students’ health. Besides, international students are reluctant to seek necessary treatment, for fear of long wait times and steep bills.


Student Medicover strives to make high-quality, affordable healthcare accessible to every international student. ”                                        

 ——Jerry Hu, CEO of Student Medicover







Link: https://smcovered.com/enrollment/review-certificates-flyers/

Need help? Talk to us.

Kindness and patience are at the core of our customer support team. Our representatives will help you with any issues related with using your health insurance, doctor visits, downloading insurance IDs, and filing claims.

Contact Us